Love one and multiply! Juhu Juhu obtained, the rose bouquets, candles, romance and all that pink, red or a mixture thereof is out and forget the good manners not -
love is in the air , officially, for the annual day of love is directly outside the front door. While left alone, abandoned and seinwollenenden hide crying in bed, her hands in horror in front of the face, sink into self pity or simple
ch make everything as usual, are dug in the lovers, the cuddle-rock records out of the closet . The dust that has dropped on it is in the last 364 days removed unremarkable. At best, there is a candlelit room, which are situated in the ideal case in heart shape, either on a table or the ground. In the middle at best a few red roses, the most common number of months based on next to a framed photo and kiss all around it red rose petals. Wow. A particularly beautiful and creative idea is, Charlotte, Peter, unfortunately, does not pay her as their favorite chocolates, but she does not find bad, because he was so creative and she loves him so much. They noted especially today. Fortunately, there is this wonderful day: Valentine's Day. The day of love. It may be geturtelt, but please just today. Today you have permission to do so. Or obligation. And between all the schmaltzy songs and candlelight Charlotte noted how much she loves Peter.
I've always thought Valentine's Day to vomit. And not only because fate has the talent to make sure that I at every 14th February as a lonely single sitting around, and not because of this special day just seems to be much too much love in the air. Rather, it is the sad fact that there must be such a day ever. Once more an indictment of humanity. It is said so often that love is the most important thing in human life (you can find quotes from many famous personalities to this
issue), but personally I think it is a bit sparse, to show my love to only one day a year, how important me and the romantic vein only there once dig usually even grudgingly. There are but in the end the little gestures that are so big. Not only that, the candles, rose petals heart-Kuschelrock program uncreative, predictable and boring at the latest after the second time, it seems more forced and implausible, if by chance just before the scheduled day rode. Does not love a surprise? Feelings can not control it and nor should you make love predictable. It does in my view, no bouquet of roses to show man at his side that he's close to my heart. It's enough to smile, because is not a loving smile and a deeper look of the greatest proof of love? No expensive gifts, no big Actions, no champagne, no bad, self-composed love songs. Just take a look at the face of this man who stands before you. And every day.
midst of black there's so much white. A relationship is never as we know it from movies and books, yet the feeling is indescribable, gives you wings, these are abdominal pain, one of which is lost if they stay away once before each meeting.
Now I was pretty romantic. And not even is 14 February. I should stop. In this sense, today's final words go to a book that has fallen very deeply in the love potion ... the Bible: And God blessed
the people and told them, 'Be fruitful and multiply! 'Good night.
Ps I love your smile.
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