Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ice Skating Sharpening Machine

♥ Valentine's Day unique Lara ♥

Every year for Valentine's Day I make is unique, which is close to my heart, it is always unique and there are so only once. This year I am a little late, but the little girl is not just for the one day thought, but as joy for the whole of many years!
I was inspired by this time a picture on the blog Rose wonders of jasmine . It shows a girl, painted in the style of Carl Larsson, I have found so sweet that I really wanted to rework it.

Now I had fortunately already have a sled and small apples ... the rest was a few hours joyful work, for such projects, I'm on All-dearest! ♥ ♥ ♥

Lara umfilzte gray legs and real boots from polymer clay, which you sadly can not see it. Your hair is made of fine silk soy, a high-soft fiber, which is however not suitable for children.
I'm quite happy how beautiful she has become and am curious how you like it!

I wish you a wonderful Wednesday and leave you there best wishes!


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