Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bad Taste In Mouth From Clarathromycin

short hello!

I promised to write a little more often. So here's what today's very tiny in my day.

What I liked today:

- very relaxed atmosphere at work (at least for us in the restaurant)

- listen veeery loud music while driving ... the ASP ordered has arrived!

- Suko good eats his vegetables, although not wriggling and crawling.

- I have the best mom in the world! * * Knuuuutsch

- Birgit has been reported for our sushi dinner, soooo'm looking forward to it!

What I do not like today:

- My pimples sprout and fauna flourish again rapidly ... Despite ointment on the skin doctor.

- suicidal pedestrian wanted to jump in front of my car. Unfortunately for him, I can brake quickly.

- big, empty bed and cold season ... I hate to wake up alone.

- Again advertising in the mailbox. If the postman can not read properly? I write Chinese?

- My orchid recovered just do not care about my actions. Too bad. she had to throw away.

Forward! Backward! * Sing *
Until next time!


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