Today flutters in the spring came with me! ♥
Dear girls,
tomorrow is March, and thus the spring month! Fits this seems to us the sun, the birds chirping quite loudly and the first butterflies fly here by the miniature world.
How? Yes, if you get mail from Austria, and such a love butterflies flutter into the house, like the little guy from Anneliese , then comes to the same best spring mood! Look Are not they beautiful and so sweet!
Thank you, dear Anneliese , your surprise is well you succeeded! I'm very happy! have the small signs of spring to me today morning very sweetened! ♥ ♥ ♥
Sorry, I can imagine no sewn stuff from the new Tildabuch because it yesterday other was planned, and I have then but first rather sewn for the exhibition. ... But here's a picture from the title of the book.
I would refrain from showing pictures of the contents, because that would be copyright violations that have recently been severely punished.
I assure you, so colorful and cheerful as it looks, so it is, and I will certainly be some post it.
The March will be a turbulent month with oral graduation, prom, France-exchange with host students, puppet show, visit the Bear Fair in Wiesbaden, preparations for the 50th My husband's birthday, etc etc. ..
before that it is so deep breath and inhale the delicious fragrance of the perfume daffodils, the grade are in full bloom!
I wish you a great start to the merry month of March hopeful! Warm and
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Private School
complete care .....
.. is Isabella, the little teacher, the cold winter weather! She is ready equipped with her garden dress, the pail with a daffodil bulb in it and also the pretty straw hat she has put on it!
Isabella can hardly wait for the spring and would love to be adopted by a dear friend garden! Information request there here o)))
Very pleased I've about the award from Marjanne to me to has her Dutch blog Crejanne awarded this beautiful award! Marjanne also makes a cute little doll years and some other beautiful crafts! Thank you, dear Marjanne, I feel very honored, of Holland, the great dolls country to receive this award!
Now I
I'll tell you!! The Nähwochenende is gebongt! ♥
Warm and
.. is Isabella, the little teacher, the cold winter weather! She is ready equipped with her garden dress, the pail with a daffodil bulb in it and also the pretty straw hat she has put on it!
Isabella can hardly wait for the spring and would love to be adopted by a dear friend garden! Information request there here o)))
Very pleased I've about the award from Marjanne to me to has her Dutch blog Crejanne awarded this beautiful award! Marjanne also makes a cute little doll years and some other beautiful crafts! Thank you, dear Marjanne, I feel very honored, of Holland, the great dolls country to receive this award!
wish you a great Friday!! I'm going first, and getting rid of the new Tildabuch "studio", which has a store in Koblenz already there. At first glance, the day before I was speechless, what it is all kinds of wonderful new ... you want to start right away .. I then slept for two nights about it, but now I have to buy it yet;! o)))
I'll tell you!! The Nähwochenende is gebongt! ♥
Warm and
Monday, February 21, 2011
Dogs Digging There Bed After Birth
Mission Robin
Yes .. I really wanted to connect here a little shorter and not so much to post, but I just can not, without his blog, especially since I always like you want to show my newest stuff! why today there is an robins Post!
robins are my favorite birds because they are just so cute, and really stand out in the garden, if only by their haunting Getschilpe!!
We also have one that accompanied us in the garden, it is always in our area, but is still so shy that I can never photograph it! A loud guy is, but so cute.
So it was quite obvious that I get a matching doll wanted to sew, and Robin had a great felted it.
He is very solid and stable on its bark and is pleased with his company!
The beautiful cup in the background is from the collection of Robin " Jet by Versteegde " where there is much more magical dish parts! A visit to the website worthwhile.
Then I in my bird-euphoria finally used the G Sticki aby , which she stitched me a long time ago as Exchange Students, it was previously kept well until I had a use for it now ...
The cushion Tildastoff and to the two robins ... a wonderful splash of color. The beautiful matching
I have here is decorated in unique book- Doris , makes beautiful books and albums for exceptional papers or for any occasion! Even at its worth trying a visit to the shop!
Yes .. I really wanted to connect here a little shorter and not so much to post, but I just can not, without his blog, especially since I always like you want to show my newest stuff! why today there is an robins Post!
robins are my favorite birds because they are just so cute, and really stand out in the garden, if only by their haunting Getschilpe!!
We also have one that accompanied us in the garden, it is always in our area, but is still so shy that I can never photograph it! A loud guy is, but so cute.
So it was quite obvious that I get a matching doll wanted to sew, and Robin had a great felted it.
He is very solid and stable on its bark and is pleased with his company!
The beautiful cup in the background is from the collection of Robin " Jet by Versteegde " where there is much more magical dish parts! A visit to the website worthwhile.
Then I in my bird-euphoria finally used the G Sticki aby , which she stitched me a long time ago as Exchange Students, it was previously kept well until I had a use for it now ...
The cushion Tildastoff and to the two robins ... a wonderful splash of color. The beautiful matching
I have here is decorated in unique book- Doris , makes beautiful books and albums for exceptional papers or for any occasion! Even at its worth trying a visit to the shop!
The images from Beatrix Potter to speak their own language, and the robin here is just such a sweet!
Now I hope to warmer temperatures, so that our Robin soon comes from its winter hiding place and spoiled us with his singing!
a good start to the week for you and
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Playmobil, Castle Instructions
♥ ♥
Hello dear ones, with a few colorful pictures I want you a beautiful and happy weekend do.
Unfortunately, it is in our very cold, foggy and ugly, so I can continue to diligently sewing.
Because it is so cold, I prefer to use soft cuddly fleece for the little dresses as with Maria Lena and her hen Milli!
Some large flower girls are also more done, and they have made fine with flowers and blossoms!
A bright spot in yellow Troll flowers and daffodils, which have now opened all fine and almost like the sun in bring the room!
Hello dear ones, with a few colorful pictures I want you a beautiful and happy weekend do.
Unfortunately, it is in our very cold, foggy and ugly, so I can continue to diligently sewing.
Because it is so cold, I prefer to use soft cuddly fleece for the little dresses as with Maria Lena and her hen Milli!
Some large flower girls are also more done, and they have made fine with flowers and blossoms!
A bright spot in yellow Troll flowers and daffodils, which have now opened all fine and almost like the sun in bring the room!
all a wonderful weekend, and very hot
Thursday, February 17, 2011
How To Program A Combination Safe
Today Weekend Greetings once again the very large program .......
What's that I took out the giant Dish and filled .. .... and because it gives us no ma ....- Fix sauces bag or parcel, there is beautiful here touched everything, and seasoned with these delicious spices.
This is worth it, I take the greatest of all forms of ASA lasagna, which just fits in the oven ... yummy ... mhhhhm
Quatre Epic ... the tastiest of all the spices for the special taste ...
What's that I took out the giant Dish and filled .. .... and because it gives us no ma ....- Fix sauces bag or parcel, there is beautiful here touched everything, and seasoned with these delicious spices.
This is worth it, I take the greatest of all forms of ASA lasagna, which just fits in the oven ... yummy ... mhhhhm
Quatre Epic ... the tastiest of all the spices for the special taste ...
will again remain Unfortunately hardly anything left for the son of the house, with its almost 16 years, a voracious appetite, and when he gets his moutain bike tours home is aufgefuttert what just remained so is left in ruins, o)))
And those who are interested, why I are so happy here and hang the Cigale, can be happy times in this old
post I read ... there are now a few more to come!
a beautiful sunny spring day we have here and I wish you the same thing by heart ♥,

And those who are interested, why I are so happy here and hang the Cigale, can be happy times in this old
post I read ... there are now a few more to come!
a beautiful sunny spring day we have here and I wish you the same thing by heart ♥,
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Baby Shower Blessings
Ingeniously simple, simply brilliant
I must show this to you today ..... Dawanda surfing I found this brilliant Bilderrähmchen.
No glass cutting - no soldering - burn a finger print .. simple, pure place, cut, push,
; ----------> ready!
Is not it awesome? I always wanted love to have such charms for me, with my motives ... voila, goes so fast!
Since I can not solder, is the ideal for me.
designs gives even the world enough, and this lovely old postcard with little Marie (from the flea market) I have copied me cope ...
I wish a wonderful creative day wish with lots of ideas, happiness and inner contentment ♥
much cold is among the people because we do not dare to give us as heartily as we are.
Albert Schweitzer
why cordial greetings
I must show this to you today ..... Dawanda surfing I found this brilliant Bilderrähmchen.
No glass cutting - no soldering - burn a finger print .. simple, pure place, cut, push,
; ----------> ready!
Is not it awesome? I always wanted love to have such charms for me, with my motives ... voila, goes so fast!
Since I can not solder, is the ideal for me.
designs gives even the world enough, and this lovely old postcard with little Marie (from the flea market) I have copied me cope ...
.. and dwarf the world motifs it is also, o)))
I wish a wonderful creative day wish with lots of ideas, happiness and inner contentment ♥
much cold is among the people because we do not dare to give us as heartily as we are.
Albert Schweitzer
why cordial greetings
Monday, February 14, 2011
Diabetic Carrot Cake Ingredients
Triggered (i) ebt
I have to hurry up a bit today and I'm not so great introduction speeches and down and straight to the point bluntly. Slowly but surely it has been in love, the day is drawing heavily on the end. The lovers love each other and he does so, or just now and the singles are so slow their chocolate stores crammed in itself. Unfortunately, this set was used to be so fool-proof plan, on the evil 14th February easy to hide at home to escape so all the excessive Geturtel futile. In the Internet age there is no escape. Already on the front page of the browser will be recalled, what day because today is: google is formed naturally in the fun and Herzchenschriftzug Facebook is incredible, the status messages of all Valentine's flirtations and hate speech. Tight draw. They all take this day important, whether or lovebirds frustrated single. The Geturtel annoying and desperate attempts of the latter, which act by evil flourishes only more desperate, as well. Even the currently oh-so-happy couple will separate and then they are alone. Until someone comes new. That's life, her love singles out there. And no, you will not be "forever alone , not even to each other Valentine's Day. The Love visits each of us when you want it. And she moves on, if you do not want to. On the official day
I would love to devote myself to the separation - ironically, as I am be it. About the supply and fall out, although I'm sure is not a proven professional, I would like a little cocky but once out on a limb and pure poke in all the Herzchenluftballons, ascend to heaven, with a needle. Love here, love there. It is a central subject in the life of each. That is a fact that would deny many and certainly to be seen, however, biological and chemically they are there. Something in each of us makes sure that we do need them, or simply find just sickening. But it is there. The Thing is a simple thing, it just happens, because she is not interested, when, where, who and whether there is appropriate. So you have to live then. There are certainly exceptions to decide at this point why not to live with it and kill yourself. But exceptions prove the rule only. We fall in love and thus be ideally happy. If it is not so ideal, we curse cry evil love, despair, eating chocolate, think up the most vicious plan to throw at darts the image of the object of unwanted desire and will be the sight of which only desperate stalk, cry again, hate, curse, depressed, put the evil plans into action to punish, kill the unattainable in some cases. Sometimes we remember but also out of love and us. Said unfortunately not so simple. But in my view, the more pleasant alternative.
We love us and we fall out again. Quickly as one could ask why you could ever love, if you must get rid of this virus but in the end anyway in any case again and the best without drugs. This is probably the revenge of Mother Nature.
people are poor in most cases. One recognizes it earlier, others later. The initial trip to cloud 7 ends with pink glasses on the hard earth. You must understand that this man is very different. The ideal image it has been cobbled together in his naive Turteltaubenkopf falls apart and the scales falling from their own eyes, result in a Schritzug the sad realization that You were wrong about this man. For he is not interested in loving you still. He may not even very nice, either visually or in character. It is controlled drive, cheap, disgusting. One is disgusted by him and especially to himself, because it was just the fool that you never wanted to be. But this time they wanted to do everything right and has in the end only made a monkey. Mission failed. At the end you stand there alone with his bitter insight and the perceived hole in the chest. Then follow the above-mentioned Subsequent actions: chocolate, handkerchief, curses, hatred, anger, death. Either one of them, all or multiple. Everyone has their own way to fall out, of course. No one wants to fall out. Most will, however, also fall in love no one. Fall in love can make a helpless, weak and vulnerable, fall out, however - and that makes the whole thing might at least a little more palatable - strong, realistic and sometimes bitter. No one likes to think to the fall out, but each is expected to be able to. It is expected when love moves on and leaves heartless, that one brings back his heart and lives. And indeed happy. As mentioned in the beginning I am sure no love pro, but I have loved sincerely, had to live with the above knowledge and find my heart. So I think I can allow myself to the conclusion that it is always possible to fall out themselves. The best remedy is to recognize how little the person you once had to love a really deserve. After all, who love a lover, and the floating tumbling to exploit, to hurt, who does not deserve love. Never, under any circumstances. Revenge would be a waste of precious time of life that has in so many other nice for anyone who keeps his eyes open. Heartbreakers do not need revenge by others, for they shall all alone. Promised. A little cry is okay, but not too long. A bit of chocolate too, but not too much. Love will leave more often and stop by often leave. Exercise will not get you in but perhaps understand each other over time faster is to direct the gaze straight ahead and there perhaps to catch the recognition that true friends are the real treasure in life.
That was in the rest of my biggest tip I have to offer to fall out Sun In this sense, turtle doves turtelt quietly happy and congratulations to all the singles, "You have survived the day.
I have to hurry up a bit today and I'm not so great introduction speeches and down and straight to the point bluntly. Slowly but surely it has been in love, the day is drawing heavily on the end. The lovers love each other and he does so, or just now and the singles are so slow their chocolate stores crammed in itself. Unfortunately, this set was used to be so fool-proof plan, on the evil 14th February easy to hide at home to escape so all the excessive Geturtel futile. In the Internet age there is no escape. Already on the front page of the browser will be recalled, what day because today is: google is formed naturally in the fun and Herzchenschriftzug Facebook is incredible, the status messages of all Valentine's flirtations and hate speech. Tight draw. They all take this day important, whether or lovebirds frustrated single. The Geturtel annoying and desperate attempts of the latter, which act by evil flourishes only more desperate, as well. Even the currently oh-so-happy couple will separate and then they are alone. Until someone comes new. That's life, her love singles out there. And no, you will not be "forever alone , not even to each other Valentine's Day. The Love visits each of us when you want it. And she moves on, if you do not want to. On the official day
I would love to devote myself to the separation - ironically, as I am be it. About the supply and fall out, although I'm sure is not a proven professional, I would like a little cocky but once out on a limb and pure poke in all the Herzchenluftballons, ascend to heaven, with a needle. Love here, love there. It is a central subject in the life of each. That is a fact that would deny many and certainly to be seen, however, biological and chemically they are there. Something in each of us makes sure that we do need them, or simply find just sickening. But it is there. The Thing is a simple thing, it just happens, because she is not interested, when, where, who and whether there is appropriate. So you have to live then. There are certainly exceptions to decide at this point why not to live with it and kill yourself. But exceptions prove the rule only. We fall in love and thus be ideally happy. If it is not so ideal, we curse cry evil love, despair, eating chocolate, think up the most vicious plan to throw at darts the image of the object of unwanted desire and will be the sight of which only desperate stalk, cry again, hate, curse, depressed, put the evil plans into action to punish, kill the unattainable in some cases. Sometimes we remember but also out of love and us. Said unfortunately not so simple. But in my view, the more pleasant alternative.
people are poor in most cases. One recognizes it earlier, others later. The initial trip to cloud 7 ends with pink glasses on the hard earth. You must understand that this man is very different. The ideal image it has been cobbled together in his naive Turteltaubenkopf falls apart and the scales falling from their own eyes, result in a Schritzug the sad realization that You were wrong about this man. For he is not interested in loving you still. He may not even very nice, either visually or in character. It is controlled drive, cheap, disgusting. One is disgusted by him and especially to himself, because it was just the fool that you never wanted to be. But this time they wanted to do everything right and has in the end only made a monkey. Mission failed. At the end you stand there alone with his bitter insight and the perceived hole in the chest. Then follow the above-mentioned Subsequent actions: chocolate, handkerchief, curses, hatred, anger, death. Either one of them, all or multiple. Everyone has their own way to fall out, of course. No one wants to fall out. Most will, however, also fall in love no one. Fall in love can make a helpless, weak and vulnerable, fall out, however - and that makes the whole thing might at least a little more palatable - strong, realistic and sometimes bitter. No one likes to think to the fall out, but each is expected to be able to. It is expected when love moves on and leaves heartless, that one brings back his heart and lives. And indeed happy. As mentioned in the beginning I am sure no love pro, but I have loved sincerely, had to live with the above knowledge and find my heart. So I think I can allow myself to the conclusion that it is always possible to fall out themselves. The best remedy is to recognize how little the person you once had to love a really deserve. After all, who love a lover, and the floating tumbling to exploit, to hurt, who does not deserve love. Never, under any circumstances. Revenge would be a waste of precious time of life that has in so many other nice for anyone who keeps his eyes open. Heartbreakers do not need revenge by others, for they shall all alone. Promised. A little cry is okay, but not too long. A bit of chocolate too, but not too much. Love will leave more often and stop by often leave. Exercise will not get you in but perhaps understand each other over time faster is to direct the gaze straight ahead and there perhaps to catch the recognition that true friends are the real treasure in life.
That was in the rest of my biggest tip I have to offer to fall out Sun In this sense, turtle doves turtelt quietly happy and congratulations to all the singles, "You have survived the day.
Differential Pay In Ca
Nostalgic moments ♥
Hello everyone,
I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day! ♥
report after a few stressful days I am back with a few nostalgic figures from my Showcase!
These porcelain dolls are almost 100 years old and come from my late aunt. I am keeping it as my eyeball, and although the little Anneliese at that time probably played a bit of hairdressing and hair are easily demolished, but these gems are of legendary beauty.
The tiny doll game of the dolls are only 2 1 / 2 inches tall and still have arms and legs are fully articulated!
And to the little Häkelkleidchen .... also I have a little box with clothes, which my aunt sewed satin ribbon for the minis!
The fine old doll dishes I've already showed you in another place! It is also the aunt and very old! Two large, old dolls I show you another time!
In the near future I will make myself a little less here and with you ... pity, but I must prepare very much for the doll market, where I will exhibit in March, and need the time to sew. New there will still be here yet again!
Thank you for your kind testimonies at any time, your loyalty and simple that you exist! ♥
Hello everyone,
I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day! ♥
report after a few stressful days I am back with a few nostalgic figures from my Showcase!
These porcelain dolls are almost 100 years old and come from my late aunt. I am keeping it as my eyeball, and although the little Anneliese at that time probably played a bit of hairdressing and hair are easily demolished, but these gems are of legendary beauty.
The tiny doll game of the dolls are only 2 1 / 2 inches tall and still have arms and legs are fully articulated!
And to the little Häkelkleidchen .... also I have a little box with clothes, which my aunt sewed satin ribbon for the minis!
The fine old doll dishes I've already showed you in another place! It is also the aunt and very old! Two large, old dolls I show you another time!
In the near future I will make myself a little less here and with you ... pity, but I must prepare very much for the doll market, where I will exhibit in March, and need the time to sew. New there will still be here yet again!
Thank you for your kind testimonies at any time, your loyalty and simple that you exist! ♥
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