Saturday, August 7, 2010

White Specks In Hemp Milk

truth and / or compulsory

Some things are so close to each other: good humor and laughter, good grades and nerds, cheese and bread, and evil, man and animal. And yet we know they separate. But what about the truth and the lie? Thus, the degree is between them extremely narrow and many crashed deep in trying to balance on the thin line between them.

Everyone lies. For we must all admit that white lies make life considerably (Can). to, in some situations it is even vital to lie. And in some situations, it destroys all life. The truths t or untruth is the linchpin of life. And yet we so easily with them. The Bible preaches Thou shalt not lie. If one were always nothing but tell the truth, you would not get far. They would tell his wife how loud it really is snoring at night and how terrible she looks it. They would tell his wife, the new dress looks like all the other inside and was not actually in the budget. One would say to his man, there is growing beer belly shameful and have the friends all have a much prettier partner. One would say to his man, football is for Primitive as well as cars. They would tell his men that one orgasm each time only vortäu deleted. One would say to his friends, their favorite music sounds like shit damn. One would say to his children, they go through their stupid a howl on the nerves and just think in some situations, it would have been better never to have sex. And you would say to his boss that he is for the pittance can soon find a new silly and that he stinks from the mouth like a cow from the most ass. Now you have to ask yourself if you find the fact that you constantly feel the others hurt, would not be fast times risking a thick lip.

The truth is sometimes cruel, and should remain hidden behind a lie. It becomes dangerous, is equal to build an entire mountain of lies to his nose. Then, one can lose the over-time and perspective, becomes entangled in it and got lost in the worst case. Sometimes lying. Just like that. And sometimes you lie for fear of mangeldem confidence, out of selfishness. Or a little of each. Sometimes we hide the truth and deliberately used the lie to their own advantage. This can also be dangerous - not for the other, but also for oneself Finally, you will erschocken , To look in when you look behind the mask behind which you so long you were hiding. Then the up the truth for even greater shock, for you have forgotten that they exist.

truth and lies, lies and truth - so close and yet so far. The truth should dominate, but the lie is not forgotten.

I love the truth. I think humanity needs them, but they certainly need a lot more the lie that flatters her, comfort her and gives endless hope makes. Without a lie, they would perish of despair and boredom.
(Anatole France (1844 - 1924), French Storyteller, poet, critic and historian)


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