Monday, January 31, 2011

Where To Buy Herters Decoys

sensational win in Lupinus Salon! ♥

Today was a great win packet to: My main blog
profit from Lupinus Salon , the designer couple from Munich, which also has a wonderful online shop.
What a blessing it was to win the grand prize was clear to me today when I unpacked the parcel dufte ......... I was really off the spit, which came to light because ......
14 wonderful sweet great unique greeting cards, small cards, gift wrap and nine in solid quality, which are used to wrap viiiiiel too bad .. at least at the moment .. I am sure that line or other jewelry boxes to breeze ....

mad So! As unlikely as great, this win! ♥
The Tartufo it was heaven on earth ....... delicious ..... I can only tell you!

It proves once again that a lot in the blog world is rather friendly people who give very like joy, give from the heart, and so that other can cause a real pleasure. ♥ ♥ ♥
And I could be the lucky one to receive this generosity was given juheißa, I'm so excited!
And I am also grateful to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Theresa who was so happy Loshändchen! Thanks!

I wish you a fluffy night in the freezing cold, the first doll show Nähvorbereitungen to run on so slowly. I still waiting for supplies of wool, jersey and felt, but a rose girl has become ready and looking forward to a new home.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Much Is Human Indian Weave

Thoughtful and bloated lizards

Hallochen from Serith World!

In general insistence today again something more personal from my pen.

I write a lot for myself I find it very relaxing and helps me to put my thoughts more clearly. Actually, almost anything that moves me deeply in my life has been dissected by me in writing somewhere. If I have concerns or a situation to grow me over his head threatening to write my thoughts on it. When I later read the whole thing, it loses much of its menace and I'm on a kind of feel better to have things under control.

Usually I handle negative emotions in this way I'm writing the grief simply of the soul. I have however now got used to delete the texts afterwards, because they love the worries around me have. It was worried.
That the writing is an outlet for me simply have not understood quite a lot.

Well ... I would really like to write something deep from the soul. And so it is important to me that their readers know that a slightly depressed or angry text does not mean that I am now out the window, hop or run amok.
I write how I feel now ... and often this sense of change during the tap, since I myself with the thought of bothering me intense grappling.
Seriths Writing therapy. * Grin *

Not quite on topic, but the author justice to mixing today I Suko at some pictures of my scribblings. With the close-ups I wanted to show something more about what makes this lizard for me so fascinating. Many people are disgusted by my sweet darling. But when I look at him, I see not only a weird crawling pangolin. I see a seemingly prehistoric creature from close to my idea of a dragon but is very close.
fur is nice and fluffy and pleasant to stroke as a shed. But the variety of armor plate and the color but also has its charm, I think.

But back to topic - writing therapy. I developed a fondness for little word games. I'm not very good at it ... But if i find the right word, it was great fun!

- Listen, I do not say! (A very simple idea, which I think quite often lately)

- Sometimes you need to go is not quite as humiliating as want to stay. (Somewhat older idea, created shortly before Ireland)

-most heart can be found in texts from people, which they have donated or lost. (. Came to me while reading the diary of Anne Frank, you write differently than they are in love with the boy from the hiding place.)

- I wear my heart on your sleeve ... and sometimes I do not know whether I'm coming or going. But somewhere there is the tongue. (Tja. ... Where is my head?)

Sun That was enough time for the start of the Interior turned outward. And to conclude with something that always makes me laugh - I planted brat likes looooong broad under the heat lamp when he ate degree.
logical - they need heat to digest. In contrast, we can ie its body temperature itself upright. So he turns dark and spreads the ribs nicely wide so he can fill up as much solar heat.
And this is my inflated lizard in energy refueling:

Schuppentellerchen with legs, hihi!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tamil Poem For Marriage Invitation

Yesterday I was ..... in the fungi

* * lol ... Well, it's a bit exaggerated ... But yesterday I was also in "things Fligenpilz" on the way, have a mushroom hat felted, because finally I could once again a sleeping mushroom dwarf for a good customer sew!
The Little sleeps with his smile so blessed to himself ...

then with his hat to look like his older Brother ..

I have already sewn in 2005. My mascot, so to speak! While the eyelids are stitched, the mouth is only painted with delicate colored pencil, because such a tender smile embroider just can not.
The little guy is quite costly, however, and like a long time from me, "edited and betüddelt" are.
his brother, I am now ready and then he finally goes on the trip, he is ♥ long been eagerly awaited, but the arm is felt long periods of a thing beautiful things slowly and carefully;! O ))).. .

I wish you a wonderful Start to a sunny weekend! The prospects are good!

The sun is already wonderfully by the (untrimmed) discs! Juchhhhheeee!
Addendum: Unfortunately, the sun now gone, the icy wind drives evil dark clouds over the land and it does not look more friendly: o (
However .....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shirt With Tie Untucked

Brief digression: What do a kiss on the hand and train together (should)

good manners. Many a one may wonder at this point what I am talking here and what is it anyway. Well, the person is not even blame, for I venture to establish the claim that certain habits and traits are dead. Occasionally she still batting in the one or other rare Expemplar Homo sapiens, but it seems almost impossible to stop the mass Rochester Bern: Good manners are threatened with extinction.

I always keep one of these rare specimens, when I look at the other Sun The door no one can keep up, for old people rises in bus and train, no one, hardly anyone knows please and thank you in the right moment to use and much, much more no one knows. Too much of what belongs in any case long since past and are now dismissed as dull, old-fashioned and redundant. I do not know anyone who embraces his girlfriend or a lady, as she would say no more, with a hand kiss. Here the gesture is very romantic, I think. When you load an accompaniment to a restaurant and help her out and then also in the mantle, you will probably quickly dubbed as bourgeois. That was then and will never be again. This is especially me in the city life clear. As an outstanding example I've picked out the much-beloved German Railways. The lack of reliability, and flexibility allowed once fully outside, I direct your glance to the moment the train entrance. The scene is still the same: A platform full of people, first distributed fairly well. Now and then push them and push himself to an individual by that carves its way through the people waiting on the pavement, but that no longer even bother. In one often has enough excitement and swallows the anger. Then the announcement, the train enters each moment. You can feel the rising unrest in the mass, which is now along the white safety line line up begins. Then retracts the train. The train comes. Indeed. Harried, horny eyes. Everyone wants to get a good seat. The train stops at the doors to crowds of people gather here and the lack of manners come into play. Everything was previously in the area of new-fangled. The doors open. Looks even more brilliant, the vultures. You can see them at all. And you can feel it on the elbows, stick to one imaginable in all parts of the body and press on their hands and bodies, the press, squeeze push and no matter whom: young, old, strong and fragile - now is only one thing: you own and only to itself, as always really. Consideration is always old-fashioned and charity anyway, the last crap. I have been at least still taught that others should get off first, but even that seems so slow in the category of dead, forgotten, stupid, unnecessary and old-fashioned "to fall. Too bad. It seemed to me this idea to always be obvious. Like so many long forgotten. But I'm probably just stuffy. And I will remain stuffy, even if I only exception as the rule. In this sense, wake the senses and good night.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Free Pokemon Crystal For Mobile

spring with Campari Soda!

Hello everyone,
of Italy, we always bring this sweet little Camparifläschchen although I Campari with soda, not like it prefer orange juice, I buy it because of the happy schnuckligen bottle! So
Take an old basket of rummage and substitute it with just that bottle, put into proper tulips and ..... voila, spring is already here, o)))
That reminds me of the pictures that a colorful ribbon around the basket would not have been so wrong ... na because I was too quick with the pictures! Shall go watch same time for the right bands!
a wonderful start to the week for you, dear readers!
Make it a happy springtime in the gray monotony out there! For our region the next Days ever predicted no sun ... because I'll have to set more flowers!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Philips Saa7130 Wdm Driver

makes re-discover joy! ♥

have in the past few days I get around rummaging in old folders, and have a crumpled page from an old Living at Home found from 2006! This cute bunny egg cozy linen it had done me well back then, so I had ripped out the page.

And because I still had a residual coarse linen there, I have these funny bunnies last night sewing, I still got it pimped with some French lace, I think, old buttons, or it could also rose well are!

he is lined with mitteldickem fusible web, so he has a little stand, and the head got a little cotton wool! On the longest embroidery took the Schnute ... My goodness I've made stupid, but now he's become quite schnucklig. On occasion I will certainly a couple of sewing, so that we can put all four on Easter! Maybe there still consisting of pastel linen.

And here are more pictures of my spring-like light bags that I designed. The flowers are from the file of Nähwahna cottage garden, combined with my own digital fawn and the writings of the program.

very proud I am of my Valentine's lights, which can create a cozy cuddle hours! Even without many words can signal one here, which mood one is straight! A really nice gift, right? The idea came from me, but I do not know if there is something already, I just did it! to all purse from tomorrow have in my little shop.

I wish you a wonderful lazy Sunday! Here snows so little to himself, not really what I like!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dg934g Ethernet Router

alone with you

The cries for a happy new year and all those associated wishes, I will spare the reader at this point, because as we all should have realized personal intentions are already be forgotten and thrown overboard, where they rot miserably on the floor of the facts - today - in the third week of the new, highly praised the year. could Yes, that's life we now sum up. The new year is already a day before it even starts celebrated and praised, not knowing what it brings. The new year is not better because you rockets and other fountains in the atmosphere and thus Mother Earth to celebrate the start to the year immediately shoots in the middle of the face. Sun too wasted words of intentions, false promises and fireworks. That was just the introduction. Welcome to the next decade. Here, too, continues to rotate the earth, even here there are obligations, even here you are alone with you.

alone - a broad term that could not be yet more powerful. What is Being alone, where does it begin and where does it end? Is there such a thing, or is there anything else? I sit in my apartment, no visitors. Only the ticking of the clock and nothing else. Otherwise, silence, I am alone. There are moments when I love it when the world is silent. If there is no one that I watch, which I must respond. If no one is there, the register that I exist at all. These are moments of solitary happiness. And then there are those in which the outer void connects to the inside and aushüllt with nothing. They are the other moments. About which one does not like talking about. Everyone knows these moments, but will always outweigh the "other" moment when you may one day look back and look at analyzing his life. We are born alone and we die alone. Of course, there may be people we hold hands while we are asleep, but all those people who cross our path of life - friends, partners, family - are nothing but encounters that accompany us for a while. Also we are for them nothing else. An FR eand once said to me that all of us - live in your own world and it only affects those of others, at best, can travel a bit - every man for himself but will save us all our efforts, all our facade never lonely before departure. I'm not saying that these meetings do not enrich or may not be wonderful. Only nothing changes on the human destiny, although this is an entirely questionable concept, but in this context I would like to use it.

While this text I all alone in my apartment type and nothing but the faint ticking of the clock is mixed with the wild tap on my keyboard hear, I do not feel comfortable. But we are in these moments, the thought comforted. Thoughts, memories, leave us a little less stand alone, and remind us both of how important it is to live. must

the path of truth, we go alone, even if all come. (Bernhard Steiner)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Acrylic Matte Sealer Msds

very uncreative

and short (and painless anyway) this minimal release: In the coming days will be here, right here, are a new entry. For the few posts in the last few weeks, I apologize, this year will there be more to read. So to all the impatient people out there: Patience is a virtue, unfortunately, actually pays is often made, however, and the like but we know them. Merry Christmas, and a new one!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Can You Install A Door After Carpet Is Installed?

Happy update!

Hello out there!
good addition to have slipped and have geweinachtet glad I also wish you a happy new grad! Since I have naturally again geblogt not as much as I would want to and should come here once so my newest update.

After I sent in Suko wine cooler for winter rest, I have finished building with a lot of help from my Bruderherzchens the terrarium for my house dragon. The back wall I have painted over several times with tile adhesive, some painted with latex paint (for the more natural look), and finally with toy paint (because non-toxic) paint.
other planned as we now have a framework of battens un screwed it also thought just a separate ventilation system where Suko can not get caught with its talons. Usually you use furniture ventilation or perforated for ventilation. But because this sheet metal parts with sharp edges and teeming Agamidae like to break a toe turn, we have built a wooden structure.
If he gets in here with his claws, he can simply withdraw. : O)

stood as the frame, it was easy, the glass and the guide rails to be fitted. And so you can open the sliding door and well, I'm just using silicone glue two transparent Dekoglastropfen appropriate.
Here we go out now. ^ ^ I'm super proud that I "had packed. Suko and seems very comfortable feel.
meantime, I've also found out that Zuko is not a lizard, but a squirrel. He jumps out of the situation on the ground to the middle platform and from there to the top left. And down he climbs even on the roots. He would rather hop. ... The lizard is at least as funny on it as I do. ^ ^

And here are some close-ups of my sweet.
This view is rather curious. "Hmm ... ... door is food? Cuddling?"
His eyes are scary fascinating. But my Kammera gets out not as sharp close-ups.
Sun That's it for now from me and Suko. * * Winkelz