Monday, January 31, 2011

Where To Buy Herters Decoys

sensational win in Lupinus Salon! ♥

Today was a great win packet to: My main blog
profit from Lupinus Salon , the designer couple from Munich, which also has a wonderful online shop.
What a blessing it was to win the grand prize was clear to me today when I unpacked the parcel dufte ......... I was really off the spit, which came to light because ......
14 wonderful sweet great unique greeting cards, small cards, gift wrap and nine in solid quality, which are used to wrap viiiiiel too bad .. at least at the moment .. I am sure that line or other jewelry boxes to breeze ....

mad So! As unlikely as great, this win! ♥
The Tartufo it was heaven on earth ....... delicious ..... I can only tell you!

It proves once again that a lot in the blog world is rather friendly people who give very like joy, give from the heart, and so that other can cause a real pleasure. ♥ ♥ ♥
And I could be the lucky one to receive this generosity was given juheißa, I'm so excited!
And I am also grateful to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Theresa who was so happy Loshändchen! Thanks!

I wish you a fluffy night in the freezing cold, the first doll show Nähvorbereitungen to run on so slowly. I still waiting for supplies of wool, jersey and felt, but a rose girl has become ready and looking forward to a new home.


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