Thoughtful and bloated lizards Hallochen from Serith World!
In general insistence today again something more personal from my pen.
I write a lot for myself I find it very relaxing and helps me to put my thoughts more clearly. Actually, almost anything that moves me deeply in my life has been dissected by me in writing somewhere. If I have concerns or a situation to grow me over his head threatening to write my thoughts on it. When I later read the whole thing, it loses much of its menace and I'm on a kind of feel better to have things under control.
Usually I handle negative emotions in this way I'm writing the grief simply of the soul. I have however now got used to delete the texts afterwards, because they love the worries around me have. It was worried.
That the writing is an outlet for me simply have not understood quite a lot.
Well ... I would really like to write something deep from the soul. And so it is important to me that their readers know that a slightly depressed or angry text does not mean that I am now out the window, hop or run amok.
I write how I feel now ... and often this sense of change during the tap, since I myself with the thought of bothering me intense grappling.
Seriths Writing therapy. * Grin *
Not quite on topic, but the author justice to mixing today I Suko at some pictures of my scribblings. With the close-ups I wanted to show something more about what makes this lizard for me so fascinating. Many people are disgusted by my sweet darling. But when I look at him, I see not only a weird crawling pangolin. I see a seemingly prehistoric creature from close to my idea of a dragon but is very close.
fur is nice and fluffy and pleasant to stroke as a shed. But the variety of armor plate and the color but also has its charm, I think.
But back to topic - writing therapy. I developed a fondness for little word games. I'm not very good at it ... But if i find the right word, it was great fun!
- Listen, I do not say! (A very simple idea, which I think quite often lately)
- Sometimes you need to go is not quite as humiliating as want to stay. (Somewhat older idea, created shortly before Ireland)
-most heart can be found in texts from people, which they have donated or lost. (. Came to me while reading the diary of Anne Frank, you write differently than they are in love with the boy from the hiding place.)
- I wear my heart on your sleeve ... and sometimes I do not know whether I'm coming or going. But somewhere there is the tongue. (Tja. ... Where is my head?)
Sun That was enough time for the start of the Interior turned outward. And to conclude with something that always makes me laugh - I planted brat likes looooong broad under the heat lamp when he ate degree.
logical - they need heat to digest. In contrast, we can ie its body temperature itself upright. So he turns dark and spreads the ribs nicely wide so he can fill up as much solar heat.
And this is my inflated lizard in energy refueling:
Schuppentellerchen with legs, hihi!