Thursday, November 4, 2010

Congratulatory Letter

Ode to me ... Expected

end to all generalizations and an end to all the most sentimental and theatrical Gemotze! Today, here and now I dedicate myself only to myself personally, all I do. An ode to myself .. or something like that. No, not really. Actually a magnificent preface is unnecessary, it follows not speak. Anyone who expects too much, should look the better at this point, because it is tough and without further ado, only about one thing: me. Why? Because I want to. Joking aside (or not), maybe some one is interested (or not). It is monotonous, dull, incoherent and selfish ... And says do not end, I did not warn you.

I was born in Hamburg, but my mother moved in with my father when I was two years and so I grew up in Berlin. A month ago I moved from Berlin, alone, alone to Dusseldorf. It's super. I study with the addition Germanic linguistics. Before the question is: Linguistics is the science of language, and rather desolate. I live in the 5th Floor and no elevator! Monday I finally get a washing machine that comes into the laundry room, which means that I run to the laundry 6 (!) Floors must. In school I was lazy and I have never been involved verbally, because I believe was that you can also say one for me even if I know. Thus came my high school average reached 2.7. I wrote in kindergarten with my then best friend my first book. It was about a bank robbery. My spelling then 9 was better than most people I read on the Internet today and that is not excessive. I love autumn and I love the winter. I love the Christmas season, Christmas markets, Christmas Fragrances Christmas, Christmas cookies, snow and all that goes with it. Mostly I like the Christmas market in Brunswick. In Brunswick, I feel at home, although I have never lived there. I write poetry since I was 14 and can there are now quite well. Sometimes I wear black nail polish. I am open and tolerant. But very impatient. I have learned a few months ago, the definition of true friendship. I often try to match a particular image so much that I forget it my luck or someone else. But I always think back on track. Sometimes I feel my pride or ego in the way. The weaknesses are, where I work. I find terribly standstill. Just as people who push the blame entirely on others. I love melancholy, silence and solitude, but not always. Sometimes I love to celebrate with abandon, to be among people. I love penguins. In my next life I am one. I love quality films and Ralph Fiennes. I do not believe in God, but I think so. My bathroom is more than three meters wide and one meter deep. I'm afraid of the appearance of washing machines. I want to learn Russian. I love (emotionally) intelligent people. I am gleefully and sometimes an asshole. Sometimes I'm too shy. I often have cold hands. I love fine clothes, the 19th- Century and from the 1920-40s in Germany. I would have liked to have lived at such times as it was received there yet civilized. I think a lot of manners. I would like to have a closet full of suits. And a duck. And a pug named Barbara Jaqueline (yes, really). Now it is but too much detail. That's enough.


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