settled, but never matched, I am back as promised. A city in a different environment, different people, different smells, different customs. Much has changed and I would be lying to say it would go by without a trace on me. It would be a lie to say, I have not changed. That's what I and this is something good. The air is good here, I breathe more freely, and resting among the many smart people I'm good. That's it. So it happens that this time I'm not just a topic in mind, but two, and I will deal with all these themes in a novel. In short: you have no desire to two individual entries, and I certainly do not, then both into a bruised and everything is wonderful.
short speech, meaning long, and I speak of change and, indirectly, been a topic. Now, some minds scream "Not again!" , but please do not panic. Finally, put in everything but somehow change. If you eat something that changes the consistency of the food, if you breathe the air in front of your face and so on and so forth. And yet it is not about. For many people shy away from any alteration. You look back just wallow blissfully in memories and move forward so ever. You never look forward, at least not long enough to create a step forward. It's all backwards. It backfires. These people walk a path to disaster.
This path is not only rocky, that they will fall down - sooner or later - and maybe not come up. This path is especially dark and lonely, because life is now far away from them. Memory is a precious gift, a wonderful gift. Everyone should remember, however, do not live in this memory. Many want the
And then there are people who do not talk. There are many problems but the fact that one does not talk. It is so easy. (Almost) Every person is blessed with this gift and it hardly makes a right in the situation of their use. So many relationships fail because one does not talk to each other. Things that are not like the other one recorded in silence, vearbeitet and lead to the end that love wears off and the relationship to the punch "rather separate ways" missed. Instead of simply aufzukriegen your mouth, throw it away rather everything. From the mouse. Relationship ended, and done with. And a few complaints as a farewell gift. Since it works with talking then.
Simply put: If you at school never aufbekommt mouth. Then the uninvolved oral argument and are regarded as an inferior grade, no matter how clever we really are. Or even simpler: If you do not aufbekommt the mouth when the unfriendly type vordrängelt in the supermarket. Then you wait longer, annoyed at worst inwardly bitter and is regarded as self-confident, which may at worst cause vordrängelt still a second
(Kalidasa, 4th and 5th century AD, Indian poet)
There is no reason to be quiet. Raises his voice, for it is power. It is a gift. It is not a means of meaningless communication. Skillfully used, they can one to the Top of the world bring. Or just luck. Silent and swallow in the wrong situations takes one into the hand on a road accident. Where you have to pass some time and auszukotzen all the suffering and the pain is suffering. As you might notice one day that you set himself out on the wrong path. Because you just did not get open the mouth. You can lose a lot of speeches, but not nearly as much as on the path that leads eventually to the realization that you yourself is to blame or was. Then it is too late. Then perhaps you cling to the good old times when the memory and is the second way further and further into trouble and may lose all Time to look into the life. In memory, one is dead, for it is gone.
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