Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What Are Some Cool Virtual Worlds

crushing cute

He does not knock, he bursts in easily. No one has asked him to come. At least I did not. The summer is no longer at the door, he placed his fiery ass already quite bold blush in the midst of our visages, beginning immediately, and overheat.

Hooray, hooray - Summer is here!

While the upper checker next door says about plump cheeks , waving skirt and manageable wooden huts before all, there are people like me frozen in the challenge. What can it the unassuming Upper Checker blame, but there would not only ... Summer. Summer, which means sun in particular. And sun Summer means high temperatures, heat, fumes, sweat. All body openings to go. It threatens to sweep all body fluids, usually accompanied by odors. So you can say, summer means smells and I mean no ice or Sonnencréme odor. Let us not deceive ourselves, very few of us live by the sea or spend the entire summer in a pleasant and refreshing breeze idyll. This is perhaps the image that is burned in our mind's eye, has thinned out since g is the last Urlaubskatalo and the trip at the end can not afford anyway. But the reality is different: It is during

sweating the summer months in constant high voltage, if you give something to his appearance, because only a step to the rapid and man. You sweat, flushed face (probably with shame - " Oh my God, see 'from I?"), The pony starts at the end to stick firmly to hair looks stringy and unkempt. On the back and / or dark spots under the armpits. Resistance is futile. The Übergwichtigen it hits the worst, they look after one breath of air in the stick, as they had completed a marathon. Another reason to pay attention to his line, but the malicious heat wave does not even before the thinnest Beanstalk Maintenance. There begins the process only slightly delayed. And when you dripping with sweat, her hair is always broken, glueing the shirt on the back, the real madness begins ... It dries. And if it is dry (or even before, it depends), then it stinks. Stinging, biting, breaking irritating. Now do not stick to only the handrails and seats of sweaty asses in bus and train, then get the nose off their fat. The summer already what is beautiful, yes. I love the summer!

If you want to lick the still very eager and horny to be ice, it is already melted away. The summer of fun . Count me in!
... not.

In this sense, I give the final word to Peter Rudl:


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