Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hard Blisters On Foot

travel, travel

I say I always, I am most creative at night. I think that's true even. Every time I leave here my lyrical effusions run free, it is + 4 hours at night / morning / whatever. Sounds strange, but Sun

Can you and I actually do not care to be - the main thing is, everyone is happy. Or just me. I can only speak for myself and I'm on the subject: I. Once again I, indeed! Since I love the goodbye and said they have can be drawn, I turned myself. This may at first seem selfish. It's also selfish in some ways, because ego means known to I . Without that love, I may not be free, but much more liberated. The flesh-colored block behind the ribs suggests much easier and allows room for new. I must confess that I am since I was glorious insight really well. One dares new jumps, far forward. And you are not afraid to fly in the face, because you simply much simplicity her jumps. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. One dares and wins, what is not before would have expected. We find new ways or at least looking at them. You can fly maybe not, but the wings are grown. Looking back, we see no again, so completely buried under load and search you are doing wrong almost sorry for myself.

I have taken a new path. This spring and everything is starting to grow and flourish. I am in the middle. I was at the center of the road and I'm not going to take a step back. I will look nothing that can not find one and I will run after anything that is not worth the breath. Hello world, here I am!

Yes, exactly. Now I'm it.


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