Thursday, May 20, 2010

Red Patches In Mouth And Uvula

In Flames!

Hallochen Serith the world!
What do you feel out there like that? : O)
go with me will currently only look good, so I just leave. Although the weather can do a lot to be difficult ... But I let myself now do not even bother to Doll. I am now somewhat set in my new apartment and the most important thing is to furniture. Even the reins boxes are (mostly) resolved ... Therefore, even books on the shelf and a few dragons guard the Serithische home.

Sun .. before you but I cuddle from my cave vorschwärme times the most important thing to look back: the medieval spectacle Lucerne finally took place last weekend - unfortunately with three days of rain, mud and cold. Well ... we made the best of it and braved the lousy weather. But the first prize for the most beautiful and most wonderful spectacle probably will not win. Here are some pictures about this:
Three days before the festival on the Middle Ages Stammtisch we gave us very optimistic.
But as is so ... The mood can change quickly.

The first operation of the wet day we decided to walk up to the mountain sun. So we gasped in Mittelaltergewandung only times 40 minutes upwards. At the top we were greeted by old friends ever. There seems to be almost the sun!

addition to the Duivelspack are unfortunately hardly usable images from the festival, and then the mud and the rain was not exactly invited to remember. Nevertheless - Saturday night was a bit warmer. Hehe ... but only in a figurative sense. Pati has brought their fire pois and I could finally play with fire!

Since that night, I'm obviously busy again at practice! I really want to get better, because the poi riiiichtig fun! It not only looks great - it sounds very cool. If the burning Pois whiz through the air, it sounds as though you are standing next to NEM snarling dragon. Hrr, hrr ... that I can only inspire so! There is also a video to ... but we'll have to wait a bit. Until then, gaaaaaaaanz Hägaaaar love thanks for the photos! CRUSH!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hard Blisters On Foot

travel, travel

I say I always, I am most creative at night. I think that's true even. Every time I leave here my lyrical effusions run free, it is + 4 hours at night / morning / whatever. Sounds strange, but Sun

Can you and I actually do not care to be - the main thing is, everyone is happy. Or just me. I can only speak for myself and I'm on the subject: I. Once again I, indeed! Since I love the goodbye and said they have can be drawn, I turned myself. This may at first seem selfish. It's also selfish in some ways, because ego means known to I . Without that love, I may not be free, but much more liberated. The flesh-colored block behind the ribs suggests much easier and allows room for new. I must confess that I am since I was glorious insight really well. One dares new jumps, far forward. And you are not afraid to fly in the face, because you simply much simplicity her jumps. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. One dares and wins, what is not before would have expected. We find new ways or at least looking at them. You can fly maybe not, but the wings are grown. Looking back, we see no again, so completely buried under load and search you are doing wrong almost sorry for myself.

I have taken a new path. This spring and everything is starting to grow and flourish. I am in the middle. I was at the center of the road and I'm not going to take a step back. I will look nothing that can not find one and I will run after anything that is not worth the breath. Hello world, here I am!

Yes, exactly. Now I'm it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sympathy Quotes For Someone Mother Inlaw

never shy from the poetry!

And suddenly I was free from the feeling of love. Love had left my body and my mind is like a shadow. It was a strange feeling, as fresh and free from the love. Finally she can think of for years and I have been a faithful companion with varying target was, without any break. The feeling, the love was gone and I was free, but it still not free. It went away and left an empty spot in my mind - a wound bleeding was not because Love had sucked the blood veins and anything that could have been once in my veins are throbbing, took. I feel good and yet not free ... more still confused and wrong and I wonder how long the love well be traveling and if there will be a reunion.