Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ftse 250 Listed By Market Cap

you are there!

After much secrecy already hit our two new housemates - a surprise for Dad. The two are so sweet, I will not hide from you.
Moritz and Luna - that's the name of the new wind that blows here now. : O)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dragon Ball Doujinshi Mokuji

confusion in the mind

... this is also nothing new to me. ^ ^ I have again the untamed writing mania and do not know exactly where to start.
I'm upset because I have yet to know if I get the coveted position, or not. It would be again a place to cook ... But with Saturday , Finished Sunday free and every weekday afternoon at 3. * Huge amount of work how can I keep a cool head? I sit here and stare at my phone expectantly. ... Of course, without success. It refuses to ring the firm.
I would be so happy to finally start it, to put everything on its head. Finally start my own apartment again, and finally continue with my new projects. Finally enjoy the new life ... But I can not begin if the money worries to chew and I am here in the dark. First job, then the rest

If I have to think a lot of time on, I'm getting sentimental. The song is dedicated to equal a whole bunch of people. Not just for love, but for friendship that needs no words. So I greet my private little zoo: Cats, wolves, bears, beetles, and the night shadows.
Hmph ... Still no beep from my phone. I think I'll go practice some poi. * * Schlurf